Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: Ceramic Fiber Interior Kit ~Old Part # H4063~ (64473) *No Longer Available* +$ *0.00*
QTY: 1- Log Set ~Old Part # H3248~ (H2323) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 2- Log Support (H4171) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 3- Glass Enclosure ~Old Part # H4058~ (64167) +$542.13
QTY: 4- Gas Burner Crossover ~Old Part # H4110~ (H8239) +$145.53
QTY: 5- Gas Burner Front (H4108) +$177.29
QTY: 6- Gas Burner Rear (H4109) +$193.29
QTY: Louver Upper ~Old Part # H4096~ (H6408) +$53.47
QTY: 7- Louver Lower ~Old Part # H4097~ (H6409) +$53.47
QTY: 8- Flex Gas Line with Shut-Off (93L32) +$160.79
QTY: Canopy ~Old Part # H4104~ (H6414) +$103.94
QTY: 9- Cabinet Top (H4101) +$Call to Order
QTY: 10- Nailing Flange ~Old Part # H4128~ (H6418) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Fan Single Speed (H3996) +$Call to Order
QTY: Screen Fixed Panel (80L44) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Screen Pull (H4179) +$71.29
QTY: Screen Rod ~Old Part # H4156~ (H6439) +$23.02
QTY: 11- Grate ~Old Part # H4149~ (H6432) +$357.30
QTY: Volcanic Stone (80L42) +$32.00
QTY: Black Touch Up Paint (90L73) +$92.65
QTY: 12- Refractory Back (H4175) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 13- Refractory Left Side (H4174) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 14- Refractory Right Side (H4174) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Blower Thermal Sensor (65858) +$134.05
QTY: Blower Single Speed ~Old Part # H4059~ (64231) +$568.99
QTY: 15- Burner Orifice Crossover (H4118) +$62.45
QTY: 16- Burner Orifice Crossover (H4119) +$62.45
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 17- Gas Valve LP Sit ~Old Part # H4278~ (J4702) +$451.29
QTY: Gas Valve NG Sit (H4173) +$423.84
QTY: Gas Valve LP Honeywell (67L02) +$Call to Order
QTY: Gas Valve NG Honeywell (24M13) +$Call to Order
QTY: Piezo Igniter [This Igniter Is The Round Part That You Would Push to Generate A Spark. Fits Sit Gas Valves. Piezo Wire, Part # 56L21 sold separartely.] ~Old Part # H3700~ (10K86) +$53.47
QTY: 18- Gas Train Assembly ~Old Part # H4153~ (H6436) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 18- Gas Train Assembly ~Old Part # H4154~ (H6437) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 19- Pilot Shield ~Old Part # H4148~ (H6431) +$17.60
QTY: 20- Valve Support Bracket ~Old Part # H4326~ (H6475) +$10.95
QTY: Burner Orifice (H4147) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Burner Orifice (H4117) +$55.24
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: Thermopile (Call for Part #) +$Call to Order
QTY: Piezo Igniter Wire ~Old Part # H4868~ (56L21) +$55.24
QTY: Piezo Igniter Bracket ~Old Part # H4162~ (H6443) +$53.47
QTY: Ignition Cable (H4086) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 21-Pilot Assembly Sit NG [recommend using High Temp Red Silicone] (H4113) +$352.79
QTY: 21- LP Pilot Assembly [recommend using High Temp Red Silicone] (H4170) +$354.40