Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1- Enclosure, Door ~Old Part # H4655~ (H1281) +$585.98
QTY: 2- Log Set (H4658) *No Longer Available* +$ *0.00*
QTY: 3- Burner Assembly - Natural (H7204) +$438.42
QTY: 3A- Burner Assembly - LP (H7246) +$441.21
QTY: 4- Venturi Tube Mounting Gasket (43K85) +$148.93
QTY: 5- Venturi (H1428) +$181.42
QTY: 6- Bottom Panel (H4663) +$69.52
QTY: 7- Blower Access Plate (H4664) +$Call to Order
QTY: 8- Latch [2 per unit, each sold separately] (69L21) +$53.47
QTY: 9- Blower Access Plate Gasket (H4665) +$53.47
QTY: 10- Grate (H4667) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 11- Burner Baffle (H4670) +$106.80
QTY: 12- Gas Line Flexible Connector (93L32) +$160.79
QTY: 13- Gas Line Tubing - Millivolt (H4671) +$53.47
QTY: 13A- Gas Line Tubing - Electronic (H4672) +$53.47
QTY: 14- Orifice - Natural (18L40) +$82.04
QTY: 14A- Orifice - LP (74L88) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15- On/Off Control Switch (80L41) +$21.00
QTY: 16- Pressure Relief Plate ~Old Part # 28L09~ (H8042) +$55.24
QTY: 17- Bracket Pressure Relief (H4680) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 18- Volcanic Stone (80L42) +$32.00
QTY: 19- Vermiculite ~Old Part # H3696~ (H6319) +$206.85
QTY: 20- Gas Supply Access Plate (H4827) +$53.47
QTY: 21- Access Plate Gasket (H4828) +$50.57
QTY: 22- Eyebrow (H5075) +$84.29
QTY: 23- Top Front Face (H5072) +$Call to Order
QTY: 24- Rear Log Support Bracket - Natural (H7248) +$386.70
QTY: 24A- Rear Log Support Bracket - LP (H7249) +$386.70
Exterior Components
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 25- Standard Hood (H5075) +$84.29
QTY: 51- Modesty Panel (H4663) +$69.52
QTY: 52- Enclosure Door ~Old Part # H4655~ (H1281) +$585.98
QTY: 53- Door Hook Latch (69L21) +$53.47
QTY: 54- Stand-Off Bracket ~Old Part # H3812~ (H2716) +$53.47
Gas Controls - SIT Millivolt
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 30A- Gas Valve SIT NG ~Old Part # 43K07~ (H6209) +$427.07
QTY: 30B- Gas Valve SIT LP (88J53) +$427.07
QTY: 50A- Gas Train Assembly NG (H4759) +$Call to Order
QTY: 50B- Gas Train Assembly LP (H4762) +$497.39
QTY: 31- Piezo Igniter [This igniter is the round part that you would push to generate a spark. Fits SIT gas valves. Piezo wire, part # 56L21 sold separately.] (10K86) +$53.47
QTY: 35A- Pilot Assembly SIT NG [includes: thermopile, thermocouple, pilot tube, igniter, igniter wire, pilot housing] [recommend using High Temp Red Silicone] (69L17) +$312.42
QTY: 35B- Pilot Assembly SIT LP [includes: thermopile, thermocouple, pilot tube, igniter, igniter wire, pilot housing] [recommend using High Temp Red Silicone] (69L18) +$312.42
QTY: 34- Thermopile (60J79) +$171.25
QTY: 33- Thermocouple (74L57) +$89.12
QTY: 36- Pilot Tube with Fittings Millivolt (74L56) +$160.79
QTY: 32- Ignitor Electrode and Cable ~Old Part # 74L58~ (H6212) +$83.81
QTY: 26- NG to LP Conversion (85L61) +$220.37
QTY: 72- LP to NG Gas Conversion (85L67) +$220.80
QTY: 13- Gas Line Valve to Burner Millivolt (H4671) +$53.47
Gas Controls - DEXEN Electronic
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 40- Gas Valve Dexen (H4681) +$435.64
QTY: 54- Gas Train Assembly NG (H4765) *No Longer Available* +$ *0.00*
QTY: 41- Pilot Assembly NG [recommend using High Temp Red Silicone] (H4673) +$272.90
QTY: 42- Igniter Module (H4674) +$323.72
QTY: 43- Battery Holder (H4675) +$53.47
QTY: 44- Wire Harness (H4676) +$69.52
QTY: 45- Adapter (H4677) +$115.64
QTY: 28- NG to LP Conversion (H3959) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 29- LP to NG Gas Conversion (H4707) +$230.76
QTY: 13A- Gas Line Valve to Burner Electronic (H4672) +$53.47